
The name Corydoras is derived from the
Greek kory (helmet) and doras (skin).[1] Corydoras is by far the largest genus of neotropical fishes with over 142 species.[2] In addition, many variants exist.[citation needed] It is the sole genus in the tribe Corydoradini.[3] C. difluviatilis is recognized as the basalmost species of Corydoradini, exhibiting several plesiomorphic features compared to the other species of Corydoras.[4][3] The type species for this genus is Corydoras geoffroy.[1] Several hundred Corydoras species are not yet classified, but kept by aquarists. These species are given C-Numbers, originally devised by Hans-Georg Evers for the German fishkeeping magazine DATZ in 1993. In 2006, there were 153 C-numbers assigned, of which 32 had been assigned appropriate scientific names.
The C. barbatus, C. macropterus, and C. prionotos have been reclassified into the genus
Scleromystax.[3] Brochis had been differentiated from Corydoras due to the higher number of dorsal fin rays; however, Brochis has recently been suggested to be a synonym of Corydoras.[3] However, this is hotly contested and has not been universally accepted, particularly on PlanetCatfish. The sixray corydoras belongs in Aspidoras.[citation needed
The name Corydoras is derived from the
Greek kory (helmet) and doras (skin).[1] Corydoras is by far the largest genus of neotropical fishes with over 142 species.[2] In addition, many variants exist.[citation needed] It is the sole genus in the tribe Corydoradini.[3] C. difluviatilis is recognized as the basalmost species of Corydoradini, exhibiting several plesiomorphic features compared to the other species of Corydoras.[4][3] The type species for this genus is Corydoras geoffroy.[1] Several hundred Corydoras species are not yet classified, but kept by aquarists. These species are given C-Numbers, originally devised by Hans-Georg Evers for the German fishkeeping magazine DATZ in 1993. In 2006, there were 153 C-numbers assigned, of which 32 had been assigned appropriate scientific names.
The C. barbatus, C. macropterus, and C. prionotos have been reclassified into the genus
Scleromystax.[3] Brochis had been differentiated from Corydoras due to the higher number of dorsal fin rays; however, Brochis has recently been suggested to be a synonym of Corydoras.[3] However, this is hotly contested and has not been universally accepted, particularly on PlanetCatfish. The sixray corydoras belongs in Aspidoras.[citation needed]
The species of Corydoras usually have more restricted areas of endemism than other callichthyids, but the area of distribution of the entire genus almost equals the area of distribution of the family, except for
Panama where Corydoras is not present.[5] Corydoras species are distributed east of the Andes to the Atlantic coast, from Trinidad to the La Plata River drainage in northern Argentina.[2] The genus is also widely distributed in South America from the Magdalena River basin, in Colombia, and occurs in a variety of environments.[4]
Species assigned to Corydoras display a broad diversity of body shapes and coloration.
[4] Corydoras are small fish, ranging from 25 to 120 millimetres (1.0–4.7 in) SL.[2]
Corydoras are generally found in smaller-sized streams, along the margins of larger rivers, in marshes and ponds.
[2] They are native to slow-moving and almost still (but seldom stagnant) streams and small rivers of South America where the water is shallow and very clear.[citation needed] Most species are bottom-dwellers, foraging in sand, gravel, or detritus.[2] The banks and sides of the streams are covered with a dense growth of plants, and this is where the corys are found. They inhabit a wide variety of water types but tend toward soft, neutral to slightly acidic or slightly alkaline pH and 5-10 degrees of hardness. They can tolerate only a small amount of salt (some species tolerate none at all) and do not inhabit environments with tidal influences.[citation needed] They are often seen in shoals.[2] Most species prefer being in groups and many species are found in schools or aggregations of hundreds or even thousands of individuals, usually of a single species, but occasionally with other species mixed in.[citation needed] Unlike most catfishes which are nocturnal, Corydoras species are active during the daytime.[2]
Their main food is bottom-dwelling insects and insect larvae and various worms, as well as some vegetable matter. Although no corys are piscivorous, they will eat flesh from dead fishes. Their feeding method is to search the bottom with their sensory barbels and suck up food items with their mouth, often burying their snout up to their eyes, one of the reasons a soft sand substrate is preferable.
In several species of Corydoras, it has been observed that the fishes, after initial evasive reaction to threat, lay still; this is suggested to be a form of
cryptic behavior. However, it is also argued that most species do not have cryptic coloration nor freezing behavior and continue to exist.[2]
A few
Otocinclus species (O. mimulus, O. flexilis, O. affinis, and O. xakriaba) are considered to be Batesian mimics of certain Corydoras species (C. diphyes, C. paleatus, C. nattereri, and C. garbei, respectively). These Corydoras species have bony plates of armor and strong spines as defenses, making them less palatable; by mimicking these species in size and coloration, Otocinclus avoid predation.[2]
A unique form of insemination has been described in
Corydoras aeneus. When these fish reproduce, the male will present his abdomen to the female. The female will attach her mouth to the male’s genital opening, creating the well-known “T-position” many Corydoras exhibit during courtship. The female will then drink the sperm. The sperm rapidly moves through her intestines and is discharged together with her eggs into a pouch formed by her pelvic fins. The female can then swim away and deposit the pouch somewhere else alone. Because the T-position is exhibited in other species than just C. aeneus, it is likely that this behavior is common in the genus.[6]
In the aquarium
Corydoras are well known among aquarists for its many ornamental species.
[7] They are well suited to tropical freshwater community aquariums, as they get along well with other species and are not at all aggressive. Corys are shy fish and it is recommended to keep them in groups of at least six as most species seem to form shoals in the aquaria (e.g. Paxton 1997). Corys are mostly bottom feeders, so they should be offered flake foods (which do sink), sinking pellets, and supplements of live and frozen foods, but care should be taken to prevent all the food from being eaten by the faster-moving fish at the higher levels of the tank.
Most corys prefer soft, acidic water. However, they can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. They do not do well in fish tanks with high
nitrate levels. This ion leads to the infection of the barbels, which will shorten and become useless. The barbels may also be affected by constant contact with a sharp substrate. These are easy fish to keep, being peaceful, small, hardy, active, and entertaining. Occasionally they will dart to the surface, sticking their snout above the water for an instant, appearing to take a “breath” of fresh air. This behavior is perfectly normal and is not an indication that anything is wrong with the fish. However, if done in excess, this behavior may indicate poor water conditions.
Where investigated Corydoras sp. have been shown to be diurnal and
crepuscular rather than nocturnal and activity can even peak at twilight (Paxton 1997). Corydoras are very good choices for a community aquarium, and are widely kept throughout the world. Their longevity in the aquarium is noteworthy; C. aeneus is said to have lived 27 years in captivity and 20 years is not too uncommon.